Archives Projet


Population genomics of wild Asian apricot trees

Véronique Decroocq
UMR 1332 Biologie du Fruit et Pathologie INRA-Université de Bordeaux Bordeaux


Genomic complexity of the coral holobiont across biodiversity gradientsin the Pacific

Serge Planes
USR 3278 CRIOBE-CBETM -Université de Perpignan Perpignan


Combining phenotype μCT imaging and genome skimming for high throughput biodiversitydiscovery: application to springtails

Eric Coissac
Laboratoire d’Ecologie Alpine (LECA) Grenoble


Molecular characterization offelinelow grade alimentary lymphoma, a spontaneous animal model of human indolent T-cell lymphoproliferative disorder of the gastrointestinal tract

Lucile Couronné
Unité INSERM-Intitut Imagine Paris


GENomic and Transcriptomic Analysis of Undiagnosed Myalgia Induced by eXercise

Fabrice Rannou
Physiology Department- CHRU Cavale Blanche Brest

Mitral Valve-Seq

A sequencing-based genome-wide association study on Mitral Valve Disease

Jean-Jacques Schott
Inserm-Institut du Thorax Nantes


Large scale genomic, expression and epigenetic studies to better understand Genetic, molecular and cellular pathology of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD)

Jamel Chelly
IGBMC Strasbourg


Whole exome sequencing inlivingDonor/Recipient kidney transplants

Laurent Mesnard
INSERM-IMR 1155-Hôpital Tenon Paris


Deciphering the heterogeneous genome-microenvironment interplay in hepatocellular carcinomas

Jessica Zucman-Rossi
INSERM U1162 Paris


Contribution of rare variants to kidney cancer genetic susceptibility Génétique Humaine

Estelle Chanudet
INSERM U1162 Paris