Bioinformatics platform of Versailles
The “Unité de Recherches en Génomique Info” (URGI, UR1164) is an INRA research unit from the plant breeding department.
- interface development (Java J2EE)
- development of pipelines (Python)
- databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- NoSQL technologies (ElasticSearch, SolR)
- data integration (ETL Talend) in fields as diverse as genomics and genetics (genome annotation, RNA-Seq, polymorphism, association genetics, phenotype, genetic resources)
- genome analysis (structure and dynamics)
- Analysis of polymorphism (SNP, structural variants)
- RNA-Seq
- gene annotation (structural and functional)
- annotation of repeats
- a computing cluster: 888 cores
- 6 dedicated servers (Web, databases: (PostGreSQL, MySQL), development of the GnpIS information system, NFS for disk management, backup management, virtual machines)
- a server area with air conditioning and fire safety (UPS), storage units (NAS, DAS), backup robots, connectivity to the Internet network: 1 Gb/sec.
Main achievements
- GnpIS : an information system for the genetics and genomics of plants and fungi.
- REPET : detection, classification and annotation package for repeats (Transposable element, satellites...)
- S-MART : Toolbox for handling NGS data, especially RNA-Seq, ChiP-Seq data
- URGI Galaxy Portal : Online tool server, some of which were developed at URGI.
- tools from the S-Mart toolbox -
- Workflows for differential expression analysis (RNA-seq) or polymorphism analysis (SNP, structural variants)
Certification / Quality Assurance
Certification ISO9001 (octobre 2012)
IBISA, IFB, INRA CNOC (strategic)
Platform Managment
Scientific Manager : Hadi Quesneville
Operational Manager : Joëlle Amselem
Unité de Recherches Génomique Info (URGI)
Centre INRA de Versaillles, Bât 18
RD 10, Route de St Cyr
78000 Versailles