Presential trainings

France-Genomique training in HPC applied to genomic data – 2019

Organized by Evry platforms, 3 days (from 27 to 29 November 2019)

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JOBIM 2019

The 2019 edition of the JOBIM congress held in Nantes, offers thematic conferences and workshops, in particular for the analysis of "single cell" and metagenomic data.

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Genopole « Summer School » 2019

From 24 to 28 June 2019, 3 days of conferences and practical workshops in bioinformatics and biostatistics applied to genomics and metagenomics

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“single cell data analysis” day

La plateforme de bioinformatique bilille organise le 6 juin 2019 une journée scientifique consacrée à l'analyse de données single-cell.

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Formation France-Génomique au HPC appliqué aux données génomiques

Organisés par les plateformes d'Evry, 3 jours ( du 3 au 5 octobre 2018).

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