Plateforms list

Sequencing platform of Paris-Saclay

The iPS2 TranscriptOmics Platform (POPS) offers : 1. Expertise for the analysis of gene expression in plants using high-throughput RNA sequencing…

Sequencing platform of Rennes

The ’EcogenO’ core facility belongs to the University of Rennes and the CNRS (France). The platform, which specialises in environmental genomics,…

Bioinformatics platform of Rennes

Expertise The GenOuest platform offers a full range of services in bioinformatics: expertise, development, training, computing resources. It focuses…

Genomic and bioinformatics plateform of Nantes

Since the revolution of high throughput sequencing technologies, the study of genomes, whether structural or functional, has become easier, faster…

Sequencing Platforme from Clermont-Ferrand

The GENTYANE (GEnoTYpage and sequencing in AuvergNE) platform is affiliated to INRAE (Centre de Clermont-Theix) and particularly to the Biology and…

Sequencing platform of Lyon

ProfileXpert ( is a genomics and microgenomics platform of the University of Lyon1 affiliated to the SFR santé Lyon-Est (UCBL UMS…

Bioinformatics Platform of Lyon

The PRABI platform is part of the National Bioinformatics Network (RENABI). It comprises two components: PRABI-Doua and PRABI-Analysis and data…

Sequencing platform of Bordeaux PGTB

The Bordeaux Transcriptome Genome Platform is an academic structure specialized in sequencing and genotyping. It was born from the desire of the…

Sequencing plateform of Paris – Genom’IC Institut Cochin

GENOM’IC is the technological platform of the Cochin Institute (INSERM U1016 – CNRS UMR8104 – Université Paris Descartes) open to the…

Bio-informatics Platform of Bordeaux CBiB

The team at the Bordeaux Bioinformatics Centre (CBiB) operates at the frontier between life sciences and computer science – statistics. Its…

Sequencing Platform of Toulouse– GeT-PlaGe

Introduction GeT-PlaGe is a major player at regional and national level for genome analyses in the fields of agronomy, ecology, environment and…

Bioinformatics platform of Toulouse

Expertise Bioinformatics – Sequence analysis – Assembly – Genome and transcript annotation (coding, non-coding) – ncRNA analysis – Diversity…

Sequencing Platform of Montpellier MGX GenomiX

Introduction The facility was founded in 1999 when the Montpellier – Languedoc-Roussillon Genopole was set up. It is located on the Arnaud de…

Bioinformatics Platform of Montpellier

Expertise Qualitative transcriptome analysis using RNA-Seq or Digital Gene Expression (SAGE) De novo transcriptome assembly (RNA-Seq) Hybrid…

Sequencing Platform of Marseille TGML

Introduction For 20 years, the TGML platform has been a major player in genomics. This platform is hosted at the TAGC U1090 research unit, on the…

Bioinformatics Platform of Marseille

PACA BioInfo is a metagenomics data analysis platform (genomic and transcriptomic sequencing), specialised in molecular phylogenetics. Equipments……