
Antoine Daunay et al.
Low temperature isothermal amplification of microsatellites drastically reduces stutter artifact formation and improves microsatellite instability detection in cancer
Nucleic Acids Research 2019, vol. 47, issue 21
doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz811

Andrew L. Hipp et al.
Genomic Identity of White Oak Species in an Eastern North American Syngameon
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 2019, vol. 104, issue 3
doi: 10.3417/2019434

Francesca Romana Massacci et al.
Host genotype and amoxicillin administration affect the incidence of diarrhoea and faecal microbiota of weaned piglets during a natural multiresistant ETEC infection
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 2019, vol. 137, issue 1
doi: 10.1111/jbg.12432

Jonathan Kreplak et al.
A reference genome for pea provides insight into legume genome evolution
Nature Genetics 2019, vol. 51, issue 9
doi: 10.1038/s41588-019-0480-1

Monia Zidane et al.
Genetic susceptibility to radiation-related differentiated thyroid cancers: a systematic review of literature
Endocrine-Related Cancer 2019, vol. 26, issue 10
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Yaiza M. Castillo et al.
Assessing the viral content of uncultured picoeukaryotes in the global‐ocean by single cell genomics
Molecular Ecology 2019, vol. 28, issue 18
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Gilles Morin et al.
Tubular aggregate myopathy and Stormorken syndrome: Mutation spectrum and genotype/phenotype correlation
Human Mutation 2019, vol. 41, issue 1
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Qiaowei Pan et al.
Identification of the master sex determining gene in Northern pike (Esox lucius) reveals restricted sex chromosome differentiation
PLOS Genetics 2019, vol. 15, issue 8
doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1008013

N. Alcala et al.
Integrative and comparative genomic analyses identify clinically relevant pulmonary carcinoid groups and unveil the supra-carcinoids
Nature Communications 2019, vol. 10, issue 1
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Sara Lindström et al.
Genomic and transcriptomic association studies identify 16 novel susceptibility loci for venous thromboembolism
Blood 2019, vol. 134, issue 19
doi: 10.1182/blood.2019000435