
Spontaneous applications

To submit your spontaneous application to France Génomique, please send your resume and cover letter to :

Job offer(s)

Engineer manager

The CNRGH is looking for an engineer manager (M/F) on a permanent basis who will be responsible for…

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Research Engineer (CNRS competitive recruitment)

Genoscope recruits a research Engineer (CNRS competitive recruitment) to carry out developments…

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Software Engineer

GeT-PlaGe is recruiting a software engineer through an internal INRAE application, to work on…

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Research engineer in Genomics

GeT-PlaGe opens, through an INRAe extern application process, a position for a research engineer in…

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Head of sequencing platforme

Genoscope is hiring for a head of its high-throughput sequencing platform (30 people) Profile

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IT developer

An IT Developer position is currently open on the GeT-PlaGe platform in Toulouse, via the annual…

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Reasearc Biologist Engineer

A position of Research Biologist Engineer (category A+) is to be filled as soon as possible on the…

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Technician in HD sequencing

The CNRGH is looking for a technician in high throughput sequencing (18-month fixed-term contract)…

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Bioinformatics Engineer

I2BC is opening an IR position (CNRS external competitive recruitment) for the scientific direction…

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PACA Bionfo (IGS) recruits a bioinformatician (CNRS competitive recruitment) to develop, test,…

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