
Spontaneous applications

To submit your spontaneous application to France Génomique, please send your resume and cover letter to :

Job offer(s)

Technician in HD sequencing

The CNRGH is looking for a technician in high throughput sequencing (18-month fixed-term contract)…

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The TGML platform is looking for a bioinformatics engineer for the quality control and data…

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Bioinformatics Engineer

I2BC is opening an IR position (CNRS external competitive recruitment) for the scientific direction…

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PACA Bionfo (IGS) recruits a bioinformatician (CNRS competitive recruitment) to develop, test,…

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Data managment engineer

URGI, a bioinformatics unit dedicated to the genomics of plants and their pests and diseases, is…

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Bioinformatics Engineer

The Bioinformatics Centre of Bordeaux (CBiB platform) is recruiting an engineer to develop…

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IT Developer

The GeT Plage platform in Toulouse is recruiting a developer for its very high speed computer…

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Bioinformatics Engineer

UCAGenomiX is recruiting an engineer in bioinformatics to develop tools for analyzing single cell…

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