
Involvement of the France Genomique Platforms in the battle against SARS Cov2

Detection and sequencing of the SARS-Cov2 virus and its variants Faced with the spread of SARS-Cov2 in France, many platforms and associated platforms of France Génomique have been mobilised to…

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Call 2021 for "Large scale sequencing projects"

FRANCE GÉNOMIQUE opens a new call for Large Sequencing Projects. These projects will be submitted by Public Research laboratories (CNRS, INSERM, INRAe, CEA, CIRAD, IRD, University Laboratories,…

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Large scale projects France Génomique: The origin of domestic horses finally established

The modern domestic horse originated in the Pontic steppes, in the northern Caucasus, where it was first domesticated before conquering the rest of Eurasia in just a few centuries. This is the result…

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"Genetic code" symposium

The SFG and  the SFBBM organise a symposium on "Genetic code: Mechanisms, Evolution and Challenges" on March 26-27 and 28, 2020 at the Cente Culturel St Thomas in Strasbourg (France). Register HERE…

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International Symposium on Human Genomics

France Genomique is organising its 1st "International Symposium on Human Genomics" on February 10-11 and 12, 2020 at the Belfroi de Montrouge, Paris. Register HERE  Programme

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"the Magnificient Last Decade in Genetics & Genomics"

LIGAN -PM  cordially invite you to the Magnificient Last Decade in Genetics & Genomics on Friday, March 13th 2020,  at the Faculty of Medicine, Pôle Recherche Lille. Program

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From 25 to 29 June 2018, a new edition of the Genopole Summer School will cover statistical methodologies and bioinformatics tools used in genomics and metagenomics in the context of a comprehensive…

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Microbial resources management

GenotoulGeT and its partners are organizing the 2nd Research-Industry Days on Microbial Resources Management (Narbonne, May 30 and 31, 2018) with the aim of characterizing and managing the diversity…

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MicroScope Open Days

From May 14 to 15, 2018 at Institut Pasteur Paris, the MicroScope Open Days will focus on the use and latest development of the Microscope platform for genomic data analysis.

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RNA seq day with NANOPORE

On 13/12/2017, the Génoscope  is organizing a day dedicated to the analysis of RNA-seq data from sequencing on MinIon. The program and registration link are available here (registration is free and…

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